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EU-OSHA Seminar 16 October, Brussles


Meeting: Improving occupational safety and health in micro and small enterprises in Europe – Construction and Agriculture sectors
Date: Wednesday 16 October 2019
Time: 9:00-17:00
Place: FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue, Rue Ernest Blérot 1, Brussels

8:30-9:00             Registration and welcome coffee

Moderator: William Cockburn, Head of the Prevention and Research Unit, EU-OSHA

9:00-9:10           Welcome and introduction

9:10-09:30          Contexts and arrangements for OSH in micro and small enterprises – key findings of a 3-year Sesame project

David Walters, Cardiff University

9:30-10:00          Sesame findings: overview of practical approaches supporting OSH management in the construction and agriculture sectors

Ann-Beth Antonsson, Swedish Environmental Research Institute

10:00-11:00        Parallel group discussions

What are we aiming at? How can we organise sustainable interventions?

11:00-11.20        Coffee break

11:20-12.20        Summary of the group discussions and stakeholders’ views (panel discussion with representatives of social partners from construction and agriculture sectors)

12:20-12:50        Good practice examples – construction

(United Kingdom, Denmark)


12:50-14:05         Lunch (on site)

14:05-14:35        Good practice example – agriculture

(Estonia, Sweden)

14:35-15:35        Parallel group discussions

What works? For whom and in what context?

15:35-15:55         Coffee break

15:55-16:55       Summary of the group discussions and stakeholders’ views (panel discussion with representatives of social partners from construction and agriculture sectors)

16:55-17:10         Closing remarks EU-OSHA



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