Aktivity ELO na příští rok

Pokud Vás  zaujme některá s níže nabízených aktivit, ozvěte se na info@cmszp.cz

09-10/01/19: FERTIMANURE KO meeting in Barcelona, Spain

15-16/01/20: Forest Innovation Workshop 2020

20/01/19: Reginal meeting of the Large Carnivores platform

21/01/20: Joint event „Seeing the forest for the trees – the multifunctional role of EU Forests“ 

22-01/03/20: Salon International de l’Agriculture, Paris, France

29/01/20: ELO’s innovation conference

04-05/02/20: DG ENV’s International Conference Forests for Biodiversity and Climate

05/02/20: EPP Hearing on Forestry

05/02/20: „Cultivating network connections“

06/02/20: EPG (tbc)

05-06/02/20: EIP-AGRI seminar: New skills for digital farming, Spain

12-15/02/20: Biofach 2020 into organic, Nüremberg, Germany

14/02/20: Prep meeting for the Large Carnivore platform

18/02/20: Rural Coalition event: „Amplifying the local voices“

21/02/20: Halting the loss of pollinators: the role of the EU agricultural and regional development policies

03/03/20: 16th NRN meeting, Zaragoza, Spain

03-10/03/20: visit Embrapa, Brazil (4 days)

09-10/03/19: REWARD project meeting, Krakow, Poland

11/03/20: MAES WG meeting

16-17/03/20: Politico’s AI summit

18-30/03/20: CONSOLE project meeting and workshop (money available if members want to attend)

22-01/03/20: Salon International de l’Agriculture, Paris, France

23-27/03/20: BIOPLAT_EU meeting, Bucharest, Romania

26/03/20: 6th European Congress of Young Farmers

30/03/20: FFA Monday

31/03/20: FFA 2020

01/04/20: FFA workshops

01/04/20: ELO Board

Apr 2020: FARMID FINAL CONFERENCE (open for members to attend)

12-15/04/20: UNISECO project meeting in Romania

23/04/20: 6th Annual EU Conference on EAFRD financial instruments

07/05/20: 17th NRN meeting, Mullsjö, Sweden

08-10/05/20: Swedish Rural Parliament, Jönköping, Sweden

08-12/06/20: old roses by FCS

04-07/06/20: FCS Cordova

04-06/06/20: CEPF GA in Helsinki

15/06/20: Regional FFA in Berlin

15-17/06/20: GA ELO in Berlin

22-30/06/20: Forum LEADER 2019-2020: 12 projects to discover, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

08/09/20: ELO Board (option 1)

11/09/20: ELO Board, morning in Wales, UK (option 2)

17-18/09/20: AGFOSY FINAL CONFERENCE (open for members to attend)

20-26/09/20: LIFE- US study tour


05-08/10/20: Farmers‘ pride international conference in Portugal

Nov 20: ELO GA

13/12/20: MAES Celebration Conference in Helsinki.